The Walpier tannery is one of the tanneries belonging to the CONSORZIO VERA PELLE ITALIANA. 

Founded in 1974 in Ponte a Egola, one of those towns in Tuscany that are part of the famous Italian district where there are high quality vegetable tanneries. 

Vegetable tanning is a very ancient process that uses exclusivily tannin of vegetable orginin and that requires time and craftmanship to transform the raw materials into a completly natural leather that adapts to any kind of product.

The history of the Walpier tannery orginates over 40 years ago, from a long family experience started by Ciampalini Gino, father of one of the current owners. 

The son Valter and the nephew Michele have continued the tradition bring their products to be sought after also at an international level. Thanks to their commitment, respect for traditions and always with an eye on protecting the enviroment, the Walpier brand can be considered synonymous with quarantee, quality and authenticity.

10 Produkte

10 Produkte